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Tastings of extra-virgin olive oil on a farm

Between activities to do at the Vaianino farmhouse, one that tickles the palate: the possibility of taste the extra-virgin olive oil in our company that we produce among these hills. It is a certified organic olive oil, obtained from olives of cultivars such as Frantoio, Leccino, Moraiolo and Pendolino.

The harvest is done manually with the help of mechanical facilitators between October and November. The cold pressing of the olives takes place within 24 hours of harvesting at a high-tech oil mill, certified for the processing of organic olives.

By choosing a tasting*, you will be able to find out directly with the producer how oil is born and savor with an expert all the characteristics of what isgreen gold of Tuscany.

*activity subject to availability, by reservation only, by contacting via WhatsApp +39 3477970050